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A Brief Guide About Keyword Research


The internet is a vast place, but it is also pretty small. With billions and billions of pages, you need to find ones that have the information you’re looking for. Keyword research is the name of the game in search engines and, when done correctly, it can deliver a boatload of traffic. However, just because there’s no shortage of information doesn’t mean that you’ll know how to find what’s worth reading.

Anybody who’s spent anytime on the internet knows that while it’s full of garbage, there’s also a ton of information out there. Since you can easily find some very valuable information when searching, you should always follow through. That’s right, follow through. Good writing starts with a good idea. Out of all the ideas out there, you want to make sure that your idea is something that people are looking for on Google and in general.

Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines like Google to find results. When someone types in something like [keyword1] a search engine like Google displays the results. The key to making money with your website is to have a large amount of people typing in your chosen keywords into search engines. In this article SEO Company in Hyderabad sharing some good tips to Keyword Research and Keyword Research Tool.
With keyword research, you come up with a list of the following:

  1. The different keywords that people are typing into Google to find information about your niche. This includes synonyms of main keywords, and related topics.
  2. The amount of times people are searching for each keyword.
  3. The competition of websites in the search engine results for each keyword.
    If you can come up with an idea that has a lot of searches, and a lot of competition, you will be able to make money.

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the act of finding out what people are searching for and using that information to create a website that has a lot of traffic, and in turn a lot of money.

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

  1.  Traffic. If you don’t have any traffic, no one will ever see what you have to offer and in the end, you will not make money.
  2. Search Engine Optimization for ranking. If you don’t rank on the first page of Google, people will never see why they should visit your website.
  3. Money. To make customers pay you need traffic for related keywords
  4. Building trust and credibility. People will visit your website once after they feel that you believe in what you are saying. You cannot afford to have people leave because they are confused or not getting what they wanted from your website.
  5. Higher conversion rates. People who are looking for what you have to offer will feel satisfied that you have a website, and they will be more likely to come back in the future.
  6. Information overload. With too much information on your website, people will forget which search results they were looking at or where to go next. This is why you want to make sure that your website has a clear purpose.
  7. A clean site. People have a certain amount of time to spend on your website. If they don’t find what they wanted here, they will spend less time and be more likely to move on to another site.
  8. Ranking in search engines. You want to rank in search engines because that is where the majority of traffic comes from. You do not want to rank on the first page, you want to rank on the first few pages for your chosen keywords.
  9. Having a website that people can find. This is even more important if your website relies on downloads. You have to make sure that people know how to find your site, and that you are not simply hiding in the shadows of obscurity.

How Can I Do Keyword Research ?

If you have a website, you can do keyword research. If you don’t have a website, then you can find out how to go about doing keyword research all the same.
There are a lot of different ways to find keywords, and this is just one of them. This method will allow you to take a look at a good deal of related keywords, but it will not give you an exact count.

Top Keyword Research Tool #1 : Google AdWords Keyword Research Tool
Google Adwords is one of the best tools for finding related keywords. It’s a bit tricky to work with, but you will become an expert in no time.
How to Use Google AdWords Keyword Research Tool

  1. First, you need to sign into your AdWords account.
  2. From the “Keyword Planner,” click on to “Create new campaign.”
  3. The new campaign will show your current keywords and their related keywords.
  4. Click on “Keyword Ideas,” and you will see a list of related keywords that you can choose from.
  5. Click on the number of keywords that you want to look at.
  6. From here, you can choose different types of results, such as specific websites that will rank for your chosen keyword.
  7. You can also choose the country or language.
  8. Click on “Get Ideas” to see your results.

With this tool, you will be able to find similar keywords that people use when they are looking for something similar to your website.

Top Keyword Research Tool #2 : SEMrush Keyword Research Tool
SEMrush is a very good tool for finding related keywords. It is extremely easy to use and provides much more detail than the Google Adwords keyword research tool.

Top Keyword Research Tool #3 : Ubersuggest Keyword Research Tool
Ubersuggest is a keyword tool that allows you to filter your results based on a lot of different criteria. It is not as popular as the other two tools, but it can be very useful.


Having the right keywords can be the difference between being a website that people will visit once or a website that people will visit repeatedly.

As you can see, this is an extremely important aspect of web design, and it does not have to be time consuming.

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